Nearly every month members from the Vintage Computer Federation meet at InfoAge to work on various computing projects related to the preservation of vintage computer gear. They often meet at the workshop space in the Computer Destruction Lab which has sturdy, high worktables, plenty of lighting, power and tons of supplies for fixing various failed components on these rare and sometimes exotic machines. Solder flows freely as well as the occasional smoke from a defunct filter (they smell like burnt fish oil).
Members will work on systems already rescued by VCF or bring in new finds that require a rescue. Some members will work on their own systems and each member lends their expertise to the jobs so that things get done by the end of the workshops. Many of the computer artifacts on exhibit at the VCF Museum in Building 9010-A were brought back to life at these workshops.
Local Members of VCF gather at InfoAge for this and other events and enjoy the open space and idyllic atmosphere of Camp Evans. They also manage an active email discussion list which has been helping find, fix and restore vintage computers across the entire country for many years. Joining the VCF is as easy as joining the mailing list! Once on the list you can find help and information about VCF upcoming events.

VCF member trying to boot a vintage computer