Marconi Eras


How Wireless is Girdling the Globe

The Inventor, Arriving on Lusitania, Tells of Girdling the Globe with Stations.


His Suit Against United Wireless for Infringement Coming Up In United States Court.

Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of wireless telegraphy, and Godfrey C. Isaacs, the Managing Director of the Marconi Company in London, arrived yesterday on the Cunard liner Lusitania. In talking with a reporter on the deck of the liner coming up the bay Mr. Marconi said that he had come over to appear at the trial of the action his company had brought against the United Wireless Company for infringement of patents, which is to be called before Judge Hough in the Federal court on March 25.

 ”Years ago,” said Mr. Marconi. ” we had to fight the De Forrest Company for infringement of our patents, and we won the case. Later the United Wireless springs phoenixlike from its ashes, and now we have to go through the same business all over again. After this trial is over I intend to go to Glace Bay to look at the new power station which I opened on my last visit to this country.”

Asked what progress was being made in England with wireless telegraphy. Mr. Marconi said that it had received a great impetus recently by the contract the British Government gave the Marconi Company to erect stations and install wireless apparatus throughout the Brit­ish Empire. the service to be called the Imperial All Red Route.

“These stations are to be about 2,000 miles apart In British territory,” said Mr. Marconi. ” So far we have constructed stations at Egypt and at Aden in Arabia at the mouth of the Red Sea, and also a station in Upper Egypt, which will com­municate with Pretoria, in the Transvaal, which is now part of Federated South Africa.

“Later we are going to build stations In India. Singapore. Hongkong, Australia. New Zealand, and the West Coast of Africa. It is a very big undertaking,” the Inventor said with enthusiasm, “and, although the British Government is only concerned with erecting stations in its own territory, the Marconi Company will erect them in any country that wireless telegraphy can benefit.”

“Mr. Isaacs, who is a brother of Solicitor General Sir Rufus Isaacs, who was re­tained by the Admiralty in the recent Olympic-Hawke collision case in London, said that it was his first visit to America, and he was very much impressed with what he had seen of the tall buildings through the fog. He did not feel safe himself in going so high above the ground. Mr. Isaacs said, and he preferred to sleep as near the ground floor of his hotel as possible.

The next International Wireless Conference, he said, would take place in London on June 4, which would be on a far more important place than it was at the last one, which was held in Berlin in 1906 when wireless telegraphy was scarcely recognized as being of any real commercial value. That was all changed now, Mr. Isaacs said and shipping companies and merchants of all trades were realizing its importance. It would be a great event and not far distant when it would be possible to send a wireless mes­sage around the world.   Mr. Isaacs is accompanied by his son, Marcel, who is a student at Cambridge University.

Published, March 16, 1912
Copyright The New York Times

article first posted January 28, 2017

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