Marconi Eras


Published in The Asbury Park Evening Press on June 30, 1913 page 1

Inventor and Officers of Company Inspect Big Station Being Erected at Belmar


Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of wireless telegraphy and principal stockholder in the companies organized under his name, the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America, which is building the wireless plant at Belmar, being among them, yesterday visited the Belmar plant and after an inspection expressed his thoro satisfaction at the progress being made. Mr. Marconi made the trip from New York with President John W. Griggs of the American company, John Bottomley, the general manager, and other officials, the party occupying three autos. On the return trip the party stopped in Asbury Park and had lunch.

After arriving in New York Mr. Marconi was notified by The Press of a report current here that the operation of the new plant at Belmar, which is to be the largest plant in the country, would put out of commission all the telephone wires within a radius of five miles, with the exception of those placed in conduits underground.  He immediately wired back the following reply: “Replying to your wire, completely disagree with the expert’s declaration. Belmar plant will not affect any telephones within five moles.”

The statement was made by an engineer who had come from Panama for a visit with George C. Martin of Hamilton, and who was until a short time ago wireless manager at the naval station at Porto Bello. This man, who claimed to be an expert at the wireless business, told Mr. Martin that the power of the station at Belmar when in running order, would destroy the functions of every telephone within a radius of five miles of the station unless the wires are underground. Receipt of the telegram and the consequent assurance of Mr. Marconi that the telephone would not be affected.

District Agent J. A. Waterbury of the New York Telephone company, while he did not deny absolutely that telephones might be slightly affected said it was very improbable.

“There is absolutely no reason to believe that the operation of the new wireless plant at Belmar will in any way affect the telephone service either within five miles of the place or contiguous to it. Telephones have been operated alongside of other wireless plants without the slightest interference.  The tower of the new plant will be so high and the electric waves so far above the wires of any telephone that it is altogether improbable that they will be affected in the least.

“Electricity sent out from wireless plants is not as powerful as lightning, and lighting seldom affects the telephone system, but a method has been found to overcome this.

“When lightning strikes a telephone wire that is grounded about the only result is the blowing out of a fuse. No wireless plant gives out the power of lighting.

Waves of similar length are so arranged that they have a field to hit upon. Instruments at the wireless plant are tuned to the same pitch, and this makes impossible the catching of wireless messages on telephone wires. Our wires are made all the more secure by insulation. We have no fear that the new plant will affect us in any way.”

This is the first definite proof Guglielmo Marconi actually visited his Belmar Station in Wall Township. Local tradition holds that Marconi visited the station a number of times and stayed in a house behind the hotel. The main part of the house still exists today, not in its original location. It is now at the corner of Monmouth Bl. and Taft Street where it was relocated in 1942. The owners were told by former residents the missing plaque once mounted on the fireplace said Marconi stayed there.

page created November 24, 2007

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