The History of InfoAge Science & History Museums


January 11,20007  Top secret Cold War History at Camp Evans. By  Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 8

February 16, Fort touted as early  ‘Black Brain Center’ of America.  By Melissa Ziobro, The Monmouth Message, Page 2 & 10

February 22, Iron cannons from shipwrecks on display at InfoAge Museum.  By Dan Lieb.  The Coast Star.  Page 13

March 8, Camp Evans displays historic Army beacon.  By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 18

April 12, Exploring History In Wall Township.  A photo by Candice Kenmuir.  The Coast Star.  Page 2

April 12, Remembering Vacuum Tubes.  A photo by Candice Kenmuir.  The Coast Star.  Page 3

April 12, InfoAge To Host Shipwreck Seminar.  By Dan Lieb.  The Coast Star.  Page 4

April 12, InfoAge learning center has a long, colorful history.  By Alex Biese, The Wall Reporter / Asbury Park Press, Page 13

April 26, InfoAge To Host Shipwreck Seminar.  By Dan Lieb.  The Coast Star.  Page 4

June 6, InfoAge honors scientific ‘Giants’ of Camp Evans.  By  Larry Tormey.  The Coast Star.

July 19, High school volunteers work to restore historic site. By Alex Biese, The Asbury Park Press/Wall Reporter. Page 9

July 19, Young volunteers travel to Camp Evans to restore history.   By Dan Zomack.  The Coast Star.  Page 13.

July 26, Camp Evans director dedicated to renovating historic site.  By Shruti L. Mathur.  The Asbury Park Press/ Wall Reporter. Page 7

July 26,  Smith pays a visit to Wall’s InfoAge – Congressman tours facility.  By Dan Zomack.  The Coast Star.  Page 1, cont. 2.

August 24, Center preserves historic equipment, memories.  By Renita Foster. The Monmouth Message. Page 6, cont. 8

October 4, Preserving the history of broadcast, Camp Evans, a center of pioneering electronics, to grow in Wall Twp. By Wayne Woolley.  The Star-Ledger. Page 19, cont. 23.

October 11, Hall of Fame inducts entertainment legends.  By Dan Zomack. The Coast Star.  Page 15

October 11, Camp Evans, Sputnik history linked together.  By  Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 18

October 18, Welcome to the Haunted Hotel.  A photo by Sueanne Coss. The Coast Star. Page 12

November 1, Haunted Hotel A Ghoulishly Good Time.  By Annemarie Nuzzi. The Coast Star – Letters To The Editor.  Page 48

November 15, Wall boy recreates a piece of Camp Evans’ history. By Dan Zomack. The Coast Star.  Page 12


January 5, Infoage celebrating radar site’s 60th – Open House on Saturday. By Dan Kaplan The Asbury Park Press Page B3

January 5, Camp Evans to celebrate 60th anniversary of landmark project. By Fred Carl. The Coast Star.  Page 4

January 7, Wall camp celebrates waves of the past.  Staff Report. The Asbury Park Press. Page B3

January 8, Celebrating a hole punched in the sky. By Erik Larsen. The Asbury Park Press. Page A3

February  Issue, 60th Anniversary of Project Diana – The First Radar Range to the Moon. By Stewart M. Brooks Sr.  The Sawbuck Gazette. Page 1-2&6

February 9, Historian recalls Wall’s part in radio advances. By Fred Carl. The Coast Star. Page 6 & 35.

February 16,  InfoAge to lease 10 more area from town after Army transfer. By Ryan Greene. Page 21.

March 3, Evans Area open house, ceremony set. By Louise Cooper.  The Monmouth Message. Page 1

March 9, First lady names Wall as NJ’s first ‘Preserve America Community’.  By Ryan Greene  The Coast Star.  Page 9

April 6,  InfoAge marks the transfer of Camp Evans property.  By Ryan Greene.  The Coast Star. Page 27

May 18, The old, outdated featured at InfoAge’s computer festival.  By Matt O’Brien. The Coast Star.  Page  2

June 13, Radio holds a big surprise – $10G  – Members of club return money to donors. By CAROL GORGA WILLIAMS. The Asbury Park Press. Page B3

June 22, Lucent volunteers help improve historic Camp Evans, yet again.  By Fred Carl. The Coast Star.  Page 22

June 22, Former WLB scientist honored posthumously at InfoAge ceremony. By Jack Kearns. The LINK News. Page 4

June 29, Camp Evans transition to the learning center moving forward.  By Lisa Farnkopf.  The Wall Reporter/Asbury Park Press Page 14

Fall –  Wall Township Newsletter –  Progress at Camp Evans. Pages 10 – 11.  Editor  Kate Elia

September 16, Broadcaster’s hall inducting 3 today – From Les Paul to Charles Osgood.  The Associated Press.  The Asbury Park Press.  Page A11

September 21,  Hall of Fame returns.  In radio notes by Claudia Perry.  The Star Ledger. Page 58

October 19 – Marconi Hotel at Camp Evans to be haunted for Halloween.  By Fred Carl, The Coast Star Page 27

November 30, Board: Transfer of Camp Evans property is almost complete.  By Katherine Czech, The Coast Star, Page 14

December 14, Completion of Army work at Camp Evans is delayed,  By  Katherine Czech, The Coast Star, Page 3 This story reviews the many times the BRAC office has hurt the volunteer efforts to save Camp Evans

December 14, InfoAge holiday train display is a success.  By  Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 5

December 21, Verizon presents InfoAge with $5,000.  By  Katherine Czech, The Coast Star, Page 3


January 14,  Camp Evans’ Army cleanup will Continue.  By Dan Kaplan, The Asbury Park Press, Page A1, cont. A7

January 20,  Volunteers still needed as InfoAge development gains momentum.  by Louis C. Hochman, The Coast Star, Page 2

January 27,  Original manufacturer could help restore Evans dish.  by Louis C. Hochman, The Coast Star, Page 19

February 10,  Antenna technology developers helped Allies win war.  By Fred Carl. The Coast Star. Page 16

February 11, Evans cannot host new fire, first aid site. By Louis C. Hockman. Page 1 & 57

February 14,  Camp’s history brought to life.  In YOUR VIEWS By Peter J. Kennedy.  The Asbury Park Press, Page A18.

February 17, NASA gives InfoAge $3,000 for equipment.  by Louis C. Hochman, The Coast Star, Page 15

February 23, Big Dish, bigger thoughts.  By Dan Kaplan. The Asbury Park Press.  Page B1

April 4, Historic dish’s manufacture plans to make gift presentation.  By Fred Carl. The Coast Star. Page 3

April 14, Camp Evans’ history now it’s future.  By Dan Kaplan, The Asbury Park Press, Page D6

April 22, Remembering when ‘Diana’ was the queen of communication. By Melissa Kozlowski, The Monmouth Message. Page 5

April 28, $15,000 donation to go towards the preservation of historic antenna,  By Fred Carl. The Coast Star. Page 16

May 12, Special events at Camp Evans.  By Fred Carl. The Coast Star. Page 17

May 25, Camp Evans coming to life as a museum.   By Dan Kaplan, The Asbury Park Press, Page B1, cont. B2.

May 23, Camp Evans museum opens doors Tuesday. By Dan Kaplan, The Asbury Park Press, Page B1.

May 25, Camp Evans coming to life as a museum. By Dan Kaplan, The Asbury Park Press, Page B1.

May 26, Radio museum opens at the former site of Camp Evans.  By Mike Gray.  The Coast Star. Page 46.

May 30, Camp Evans coming alive – EDITORIALS – Asbury Park Press Editorial by Randy Bergmann.  The Asbury Park Press, Page A10.

Spring/Summer Wall Township Newsletter – We Can Do It!, Page 3  Editor  Kate Elia

June 16, Sewer system replacement at Camp Evans almost done.   By Fred Carl. The Coast Star. Page 14.

June 30, Support urged for Camp Evans museum. By Brian O’Keefe.  The Coast Star, Page 19.

July Issue, “Infoage Receives Major Contribution”.  IEEE History Center Newsletter, Issue 68, Page 5.

July 28, Ceremony slated to mark the end of WWII  By Fred Carl. The Coast Star. Page 14.

July 28,  RAB members oppose the proposed dredge spoils site at Camp Evans,  by Matt O’Brian. The Coast Star. Page16.

August 4,  Science camp students visit Camp Evans sites,   By Fred Carl. The Coast Star. Page 10

August 10, Camp Evans to be dedicated as a war memorial. INDEPENDENT Page 21

August 11, Camp Evans to be dedicated as a war memorial on Saturday.  By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 2

August 11,  Memorial to Victors, Dedication ceremonies Saturday for Camp Evans.   By Dan Kaplan, The Asbury Park Press Wall-Manasquan Reporter, Page 1, cont. 2

August 14, Dedication highlights Camp Evans’ role. By Jane Zhang, The Asbury Park Press, Page AA1, cont. AA2

August 14, Veterans from Shore area say V-J Day came as surprise, By Joseph Picard. The Asbury Park Press. PageA1 & A12

August 15, Transfer of Camp Evans land becomes lesson in bureaucracy. By Dan Kaplan, The Asbury Park Press, Page A5

August 18, A WWII Living Memorial. photo by Marc Fiorilli, The Coast Star. Page 10

September 1,  Hurricane satellite tracking technology first born at Camp Evans. By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 8

September 22, RAB unhappy with draft report on Shark River Bay dredging. By Matt O’Brien.  The Coast Star Page 12

November 17, First Communication Satellite built in Wall Twp.  By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 16

November 24, Volunteers help effort to restore Camp Evans. By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 2

December 8, Camp Evans building held WWII radar array, By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 34


January 8, Wall Township’s Camp Evans played key role in historic events. By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 5 and 25

February Issue of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Imaginary Spies, RED FEAR. Page 14

February 5, Camp Evans tour shows students origins of wireless communication. By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 6

February 24, Documentary highlights black WWII scientists By Jeff Adair / News Staff Writer MetroWest Daily News

February 26, Radar technologies from Camp Evan helps defeat Nazis, By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 7 and 48

March 22, Camp Evans-developed radar key at Anzio, The Asbury Park Press, by Fred Carl, Page B2

April 1,  Fate of H-buildings to be discussed today – Sewer lines yet to be installed. By  Louis C. Hochman, page 6 and 33

March 30, WALL FEARS ARMY BUILDINGS UNUSABLE – Camp pact decaying.  By Dan Kaplan, page A1 and A2

April 15, Army, Wall Township to inspect H-buildings this month.  By Louis C. Hockman, The Coast Star, Page 7.

May 14, Army pledges to fix up Camp Evans buildings. By Dan Kaplan, The Asbury Park Press

May 20,  Army, Wall working to preserve historic buildings – Talks on Camp Evans structures set to continue in early June.  By Louis C. Hochman, page 12

June 3, Camp Evans technology helped defeat Axis power in WWII. By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 9 and 25.

June 4,  D-Day+SIXTY: N.J. bases’ roles vital. By Keith Brown and Kirk Moore Pages A1 and A7

September 2, Camp Evans-historic area’s future use: learning center  – The Asbury Park Press, by Dan Kaplan, Page 1

September 2,  Wall Township now owns 17 acres of Camp Evans. by Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 8

November 11, InfoAge looking to work with NASA on educational programs about space.  by Louis C. Hochman, The Coast Star, Page 11


March 27, Although quiet in this war, Camp Evans played a vital role in past U.S. victories. By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 3

April 17,  Echoes of Camp Evans can be heard in Iraqi battles. By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 15 and 27

May 15, The ghost of Sen. Joseph McCarthy haunts Camp Evans. By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 9

May 22, McCarthy’s probe had a long-lasting impact on Wall Twp.’s Camp Evans.  By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 15

May 26, Beach parade foreshadowed war victory, By Fred Carl, Guest writer, Asbury Park Press, Pages B1 and B2

May 29, Camp Evans played role in design of wireless communications technology. By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 15

May 29, Wall to get Camp Evans property. By Brandy Roon, The Asbury Park Press / Wall – Manasquan Reporter, Page 1

May 29, Camp Evans volunteers preparing for the future. By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 16

May 30, Land transfer to Begin, By Richard Quinn, Asbury Park Press, Pages 1 and A10

June 5,  Camp Evans played role in WWII countermeasures.  By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 2

June 5, Camp Evans subdivision OKd, property transfers to begin shortly. By Andrea Agardy, The Coast Star, Page 4

June 5, Wall claims part of Camp Evans.  By Richard Quinn, The Asbury Park Press, Page B6

June 12, Radar experts worked at Camp Evans to protect canal.  By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 7

June 19, From Camp Evans directly into battle – Radar helped save soldiers’ lives in WWII. By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 4

June 26, Experts working in Marconi Hotel attic helped save WWII pilots. By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 13

July 3,  Project Diana at Camp Evans helped launch space exploration. By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 19, cont. page 30

July 17, Pictures of Marconi Station to adorn municipal building, By Louis C. Hochman, The Coast Star, Page 6

July 17, Antennas serve as a reminder of Camp Evans’ technological innovations, By Fred Carl, Page 8

August 7, Marconi Station built to last 90 years ago, By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 13

August 14, Marconi Belmar Station was once the home of a Christian college, By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 14

August 28, Plans for Camp Evans remediation delayed due to administrative issues. By Louis C. Hochman, The Coast Star, Page 20

August 28, To some, Wall’s Camp Evans was secretly connected to UFOs. By Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 20 and 26

November 10, McCarthy’s communist hunt unraveled at Wall facility – The Asbury Park Press, by Fred Carl, Page B3

November 27, Environmental cleanup continuing at Camp Evans sites, Army reports.  By Louis C. Hockman.  The Coast Star. Page 2

November 27, Township, Army still hashing out terms of some property transfer.  By Louis C. Hockman.  The Coast Star. Page 5


The Boy Genius And The Mogul. by Daniel Stashower, Broadway Books – Random House, NY, NY. ISBN 0-7679-0759-0

The Armstrong regenerative circuit test is refered to on pages 3,4 and 9 as the “ushering in of modern radio”

March 4, Radar facility provided outlet for black excellence. By Fred Carl, Guest writer, Asbury Park Press, Page B1, and B2

March 27,  Camp Evans site to go on federal historic list.  The Asbury Park Press, By JOHN A. HARNES, Page B7

March 30,  ON THE RADAR SCREEN.  The Asbury Park Press, By JOHN A. HARNES, Page B1

May 17, Group tries to rescue N.J. history. by Tom Hester.  The Star Ledger page 17

May 20, Group says 2 Monmouth historic sites ‘endangered’.  The Asbury Park Press, By JOHN A. HARNES, Page A3

May 23, Lack of upkeep at Camp Evans decried. By Andrea Agardy, The Coast Star, page 1, cont. 6

June 6,  OPEN LETTER TO MAJOR GEN. R.L. VAN ANTWERP, U.S. ARMY, By Robert McAllen, Camp Evans Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) Community-Chairmen, Letter to the Editor of The Coast Star.

July 25, Infoage welcomes first visitors to Camp Evans, by Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 11

August 8, Radarman helped launch the space age. , By Deborah Klee,  The Jewish State, Page 1

August 22, Sewer deal reached for Army site.  The Asbury Park Press, By JOHN A. HARNES, Page B4

October 31,  Army agrees to Evans sewer replacement. by Andrea Agardy, The Coast Star, Page 1, cont. 18

November 7, Infoage volunteers to judge Red Rover essay contest, By Andrea Agardy, The Coast Star

November 11, Spies ushered in D-Day with radios from Wall. By Fred Carl. The Asbury Park Press, Page B1, cont. B2

November 28, Carl Accardo’s Achievements – Letter to the Editor, By GENE ERTLE JR., The Coast Star, Page 28

December 30, Camp Evans deception helped turn tide of war, by Fred Carl, The Asbury Park Press, Page D2


January 1, Artist held an era’s attention. By Jon Blackwell, Guest writer, Asbury Park Press, Page B1 Why a story about an artist?  Artist John Held Jr. served his country during WWII at Camp Evans as a radar illustrator. Radar Operators in the field of battle needed good manuals. Good illustrations were key.

March 8, Wall prepares to receive Army base – Township continues battle with Army for sewers, by Desiree DiCorcia, The Coast Star, Page 17

March 22, How the Titanic disaster changed Wall Township’s history, twice. by Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 20

April 14, North Wall Little League plays at site where the fate of nations was once decided, by Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 19

April 19, Camp Evans to be learning epicenter, by Maureen Alexander, Wall Reporter – The Asbury Park Press, page 1

April 24, PCBs may delay Evans transfer. The Asbury Park Press, By JOHN A. HARNES, Page B1

April 26, PCB discovery to delay the transfer of Camp Evans. by Desiree DiCorcia, The Coast Star, Page 1 & 26

May 2, Evans contamination studied by John A. Harnes and Tracy Robinson. The Asbury Park Press, Page B1 & B3

May 13,  Preserving a place in history.  By Tracy Robinson. The Asbury Park Press, Page A1

July 5, Camp Evans helps Army fool Germans during D-Day invasion, by Fred Carl, The Coast Star, Page 14

August 28, Cleaning up Camp Evans. The Asbury Park Press, By JOHN A. HARNES, Page B2

August 29, Army to test land near Camp Evans. The Asbury Park Press, By JOHN A. HARNES, Page B1

November 8,  First section of Camp Evans historic district is up, running, by Jonathan C, Hall, The Coast Star, Page 2

November 8, Making A Difference. photo by Shawn Huber. The Coast Star, Page 3

November 19, Space age lifted off at Wall radar facility, by Art Scott, The Asbury Park Press, Page B1 and B2

November 24, Army removes tainted soil from Camp Evans. By John A. Harnes. The Asbury Park Press, Page B1 cont. B2

December 10, Radar worked, but man failed. By Fred Carl, Guest writer, Asbury Park Press, Page B1

December 13, The Spirit of Marconi Lives Again.  Letter to the Editor by Lawrence R. Tormey. The Coast Star page 26


February 15, Volunteers to fix radio era’s cradle. The Asbury Park Press, By John A. Harnes, page B4

February 21, Reviving Marconi’s place by W. Raymond Ollwerther, Executive Editor, Asbury Park Press, Page A16

March 9, Army says no to sewer replacement, The Coast Star, by Desiree DiCorcia, Pg.?, cont. Pg. 48

March 16, Wall sponsors camp’s historic district, The Coast Star, by Desiree DiCorcia, Pg 13, cont. Pg. 24

March 17,  Cleaning up a landmark, by W. Raymond Ollwerther, Executive Editor, Asbury Park Press, Page A24

March 30, Indian Remains Reinterred by Brian Wick & Desiree A. DiCorcia page 1, cont. 24

April 27, Army says no to lead paint removal, The Coast Star, by Desiree DiCorcia, Pg.1, cont. Pg. 52

May 11, Evans area receives NJ historic status.  The Coast Star, by Desiree DiCorcia, Pg.1, cont. Pg. 27

May 11, Landmark Volunteer’s postpone Evans mission, by Desiree DiCorcia. The Coast Star, Page 2

May 11, Resident offers plan for hazardous substance removal at Camp Evans, by Desiree DiCorcia. The Coast Star, Page 3, cont. Page 28

May 25, Wall, Army to discuss lead paint on Camp Evans buildings, By John A. Harnes, Asbury Park Press, Page B3

May 25, More Background on Evans Area,  letter to Editor by William Patrick Gray

July 13, A scenic tour of the Shark River. by Desiree DiCorcia. The Coast Star, Page 19

July 23, History dismantled in Franklin. Courier-News Pg. B1, By Bernice Paglia

July 27, Moving Marconi, Courier-News Pg. 1, By Bernice Paglia

July 27, Army says no to lead paint removal The Coast Star, by Desiree DiCorcia Pg. 18

July 27, Committee joins in fight for sewers at Evans, The Coast Star, by Desiree DiCorcia Pg. 21

August 3, Raising Marconi’s Roof – Volunteers salvage materials. The Coast Star, by Desiree DiCorcia Pg. 17-18

August 14, Little Known Black History Facts, by Dr. Henry Louis Gates, published by McDonald’s Corporation Pg 12 A booklet sold by McDonald’s Restaurants form August 14, 2000, to September 14, 2000.  Dr. MacAfee of Project Diana is featured on page 12.

August 25, The Army-McCarthy Hearings, C-SPAN., Washington, District of Columbia (United States) ID: 158934 – 08/25/2000 – 3:00 – $90.00 Sen. McCarthy believed there was communist Spy ring in Camp Evans (1953). Three experts answer call-in questions and respond to additional information.

September 21 Late South Belmar resident included in Little Known Black History Facts.  The Coast Star, by Andrea Agardy, Pg.8

December 14  Renowned Fort Monmouth physicist dies.  The Asbury Park Press, By JOHN A. HARNES, Page B1 This article and the two below it announce the death of Dr. Stanley Kronenberg, Camp Evans mad scientist…a sad time for Fort Monmouth and us at Infoage.

December 17  Scientist hailed for the inquiring mind.  The Asbury Park Press, By JOHN A. HARNES, Page A17

December 21 Wall’s mad scientist leaves behind a legacy of brilliance, humor.  The Coast Star, by Desiree DiCorcia Pg.14,


Global Communications Since 1844 – Geopolitics and Technology.,  by Hugill, Peter J. Pages 97-101 A Radar History of World War II – Technical and Military Imperatives.”, by Louis Brown, Institute of Physics Publishing, pg 43, 170-171, 215-219, 326, 436

January 11, Pioneer returns to Camp Evans – Engineer helped develop radar. By James A. Broderick, Correspondent, Asbury Park Press.

January 27, “De Witt was proudest of proximity fuse invention”., The Tennessean, Page 1

April 22, Camp Evans will come alive for Marconi Day, The Coast Star,  Page 14.

May 28, HISTORICAL RESEARCH INTO A SELECT NUMBER OF POTENTIAL HISTORIC ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AT EVANS AREA, FORT MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY. by Reed, Mary Beth and Mark Swanson, Report Submitted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District by New South Associates, 6150 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Stone Mountain, Ga., 30083.  May 28, 1999. DACA63-99-P-0690. New South Associates.

June 27, “Missing Chapter”, by Michael Riley, Asbury Park Press, Page AA1 & AA3

July 13, “A PLACE FOR PIONEERS – Volunteers preserving Camp Evans’ history.”, by John A. Harnes, Asbury Park Press, Page B1 & B2

August 12, Camp Evans testing and cleanup continues, several hurdles remain, by E.I. Stevenson. The Shore Herald, Page 8

July 22, Camp Evans selected to be among Save America’s Treasures, The Coast Star, Page 6, Cont. Page 44

October 21, Army re-opens Camp Evans to former King’s College students after 58 years.  By Desiree A. DiCorcia, The Coast Star,  Page 20

November 11, “Historic status sought for camp” by Don Stein, Asbury Park Press, Page B1

November 20, Remains found at Camp Evans – Official says skull likely Native American, by John Harnes, Asbury Park Press, Page D1

November 21, “Man celebrates 60th anniversary – with Army” (Samuel L. Stine), Asbury Park Press, Page AA4

November 22, 1,000 people tour historic Camp Evans. Asbury Park Press. By Don Stein – Pg.3

November 25, Native American remaind unearthed at Camp Evans, by Dirsiree A. DiCorcia, Page ?

December 23, Marconi Hotel graces White House Christmas Tree as an historic treasure.  The Coast Star, By Desiree A. DiCorcia, Page 15.

December 25, Tiny replica big salute to historic hotel.  The Asbury Park Press, By JOHN A. HARNES, Page D1


January 29, Camp Evans cleanup will make room for education and recreation, By Stephen Fitzsimmons, The Coast Star, Page 12

January 29, RAB members search for answers about distribution of Army report, by Shannon Kelly, The Herald of Wall Township, Page 2, cont. A10

April 23, Clean-up team removes radioactive material from pool, The Coast Star, By Marcella DeSimone. Page 18

April 23, Government continues to clean up portions of Camp Evans, by Shannon Kelly, The Herald of Wall Township, Page 21 “The Cold War Comes to Fort Monmouth – Senator Joseph R. McCarthy and the Search for Spies in the Signal Corps”, by Raines, Rebecca R.., Army History – The Professional Bulletin of Army History, PB-20-98-2 (No. 44), Spring 1998, Washington, D.C.  On file: CECOM Command Historian Collection, Infoage Point of Order (Video) New Yorker Video, NY, NY.  (Original release 1963) This 97-minute video of the Army-McCarthy Congressional Hearings is original film of the hearings.  Thirty Camp Evans employees were suspended based on false charges by Senator McCathy’s investigators.  All were cleared.  One quote of the Senator in the video..”If you only knew what is going on in our secret radar facility” the Senator was refering to Camp Evans.


Crystal Fire – The Birth of the Information Age.  by Riodan, M. and Hoddeson, L. W.W. Norton & Company, New York, NY.  pg. 162, 201-204 This story of the transistor has the account of how Dr. Zahl and the Signal Corps influenced the announcement of the Bell Labs transistor and then promoted and funded specific research to meet defense needs. Beyond the Ionosphere: Fifty Years of Satellite Communications. Ed. By Andrew J. Butrica, NASA History Office, Washington. Pg. xi “Silver Anniversary Celebration – Firefinder” On file, CECOM Historical Research Collection.

July 31, Fort Monmouth building dedicated in honor of the late Dr. Walter McAfee.  by Janine Bilotti, The Coast Star

October 2, Sputnik 40th anniversary is part of Camp Evans legacy to space race.  By Stephen Ring.  The Coast Star. Page 18


The Invention that Changed the World – How a Small Group of Radar Pioneers Won the Second World War and Launched a Technological Revolution, by Buderi, Robert, pub. by Simon and Schuster, New York, New York. Pages: 126-127, 273-277, 361, 359, 457 Evaluation of Selected Cultural Resources at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey: Context for Cold War Era, Revision of  Historic Properties documentation, and Survey of Evans Area and sections of Camp Charles Wood.  Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District by Geo-Marine, Inc., Plano, Texas.  June 1996.  Contract No. DACA63-93-D-0014, Delivery Order 0103 (GMI Project No. 1114-103). by Reed, Mary Beth, Mark Swanson, Rebecca Procter, and Marsha Prior To See The Unseen – A History of Planetary Radar Astronomy., by Andrew J. Butrica,.  The NASA History Series, NASA History Office, Washington D.C.  Pages 6-10

January 11, “2.5 second of stardom”, by John A. Harnes, Asbury Park Press

January 25, Wall Committe Accepts Camp Evans Reuse Plan.  By Dan Brennan. The Coast Star

February 1, Evans Plan Has Money Strings.  By Dan Brennan.  The Coast Star

June 12, Camp Evans panel will supervise cleanup.  By John A. Harnes.  The Asbury Park Press. Page B3

June 13, Board Established For Evans Cleanup.  by John Burton, The Coast Star, page 14

June 14, Camp Evans Board Elects Community Co-Chair. By Douglas Paviluk, The Herald, Page 6

June 14, Camp Evans Advisory Board ‘A Diverse Group’.  By Douglas Paviluk, The Herald, Page 6

November 24, “Public gets peek at Camp Evans”, by Sheri Tabachnik, Asbury Park Press

December 1, “Old radiation spill a focus of new testing – 5,000 sample to be tested at Camp Evans.”, by John A. Harnes, Asbury Park Press, Page A4.

December 1, “Marconi, KKK, evangelist all figure in camp’s history.”, by John A. Harnes

December 19, Camp Evans radiates good will.  by John Harnes, Asbury Park Press, Page B1 & B4.

December 19, Fort research may produce tools to help resolve hostage situations. by John Harnes, Asbury Park Press, Page B4


Getting the Message Through – A Branch History of the U.S. Army Signal Corps, by Raines, Rebecca R., Center of Military History, United States Army, Washington, D.C.

February 21, “Walter McAfee, helped boost U.S. into space”., Asbury Park Press

March 16, Citizens comment on Camp Evans, Museum, seniors’ housing, college proposed.  By Lois A. Kaplan,  The Herald, Page A1. This was the first time members of the public were given to provide input in the reuse of Camp Evans.   We proposed an Electronics Museum, that evolved into Infoage…

July 27, Army Seeks Input on Evans Cleanup.  By Dan Brennan.  The Coast Star. Page 10

August 3, Camp Evans Deadline Changes.  By Dan Brennan.  The Coast Star. Page 10

September 28,  Wall Eyes Shared Use for Camp Evans.  By Dan Brennan.  The Coast Star


February 6,  Interview of Dr. Walter S. McAfee,  An Oral History of African-Americans and the Development of Radar Defense Technology at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 1940-1959. Edited by Professor Robert Johnson Jr.  On File, Monmoth County Library, CECOM Historical Research Collection

March 22, “Fort Monmouth had Red scare – Author describes reign of fear”., by Sherry Figdore., Asbury Park Press

September 23,   “Physicist’s Research Spans More Than Four Decades,” Monmouth Message, by Cleo Zizos,  On file, CECOM Historical Research Collection.


March 3, “Evans likely to fade into oblivion.”, by Suzanne Delcamp, Asbury Park Press

June 21,  Interview of Mr. Thomas E. Daniels,  An Oral History of African-Americans and the Development of Radar Defense Technology at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 1940-1959. Edited by Professor Robert Johnson Jr.  On File, Monmoth County Library, CECOM Historical Research Collection

October 14,  Interview of Mr. Harold Tate,  An Oral History of African-Americans and the Development of Radar Defense Technology at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 1940-1959. Edited by Professor Robert Johnson Jr.  On File, Monmoth County Library, CECOM Historical Research Collection. This is the first in a series of oral histories conducted by Professor Johnson which give first accounts of personal struggles against racism and personal achievement in spite of repression.

November 14, “McCarthy exploited fear of Reds, nuclear bomb”., by John H. Harnes., Asbury Park Press Page AA4

December 02,  Interview of Mr. William J. Jones,  An Oral History of African-Americans and the Development of Radar Defense Technology at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 1940-1959. Edited by Professor Robert Johnson Jr.  On File, Monmoth County Library, CECOM Historical Research Collection

December 10, Wall names panel to expedite Camp Evans acquisition.  By William Bretzger.  The Asbury Park Press.  Page B3

Alexanderson: Pioneer in American Electrical Engineering.  By Brittain, James E., Johns Hopkins University Press.  Pages 144-158  On file, Stanford University, Infoage Archives

March 13, Radio still rules at Camp Evans. By BOB PFEIFFER.  The Asbury Park Press. Page C1


Astronomer by Chance By Bernard Lovell. by Bernard Lovell. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation series
This book mentions Col. John DeWitt and Project Diana, which beat him to open the science of radar astronomy by bouncing an electronic signal off the moon.  See pages 178-9

Empire of the Air – The Men Who Made Radio. by Lewis, Thomas S. W. HarperCollins Publishers, New York, NY.  Pg. 112-113, 121-122, 297. On File, Infoage Archives

December 16.  “The Name Is Forgotten, But the Legacy Is Enduring”, by  Fantel, Hans., The New York Times,  Pg. 26. On file, Infoage Archives


All in a Lifetime – Science in the Defense of Democracy.  by Getting, Ivan A. Vantage Press, NY, NY.  Pages 113, 116, 125, 130 351 On File, IEEE History Center, New Brunswick, Infoage Archives. Dr. Getting of the MIT RAD Lab was a key developer of the XT-1, the cavity-magnetron based anti-aircraft radar.  Camp Evans completed the production engineering starting with the excellent XT-1,  the result was the SCR-584.

Fitch, V. A., and S. Glover 1989 Historic and Prehistoric Reconnaissance Survey, Fort Monmouth (Main Post), New Jersey.  PAL, Inc. Report No. 315-1, August 1989.  Submitted to Daylor Consulting Group, Boston, and Department of the Army, New England Division, Corps of Engineers, Waltham, Massachusetts, by the Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc., Pawtucket, Rhode Island.  On file, New South Associates.


The Autobiography of Roy Cohn, by Sidney Zion. Pages 109-110.  Acquired via ebay, on file at Infoage. Mr. Cohn claims in this book that he and Senator McCarthy: “…we uncovered a system so dangerously lax that the civilian personnel employed by the Army had been infiltrated by subversives, that this infiltration extended to the secret radar laboratories at Monmouth…”

January, High-Level Achievers – Black Scientific and Engineering Contributors to the U.S. Army at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, by Thomas E. Daniels, Journal of the NTA, Page 14-19


November 21, “Army expanding facility in Wall Township.”, by Mark Dillon, Asbury Park Press, Page D17

‘Some examples of post World War II radar in the USA’, by E. King Stodola; in ‘Radar Developments to 1945’, Edited by Russell Burns, Published by Peter Peregrinus Ltd., London, United Kingdom, on behalf of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 1988. Pages 478 – 492, This article describes three topics; the anti-kamikaze radar system developed during WWII at Camp Evans, the Project Diana radar, and the VERLORT/PRELORT Satellite Tracking Radars.  See story based upon this information.


Inventing American Broadcasting 1899-1922. by Douglas, Susan.  The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. Pg. 276, 278-280, On file, Infoage Archives

The History of Modern Physics, 1800-1950 vol.8, by Guerlac, Henry E., Pub by American Institute of Physics and Tomash Publishers.  On file, IAL, pages: 119-120, 372


“World War II Army Coherent Pulse Search Radar For Moving Target Detection”, by Stodola, E. King, Published paper for IEEE International Radar Conference, May 6-9, 1985.  On File, Infoage Archives. This article describes the radar system developed during WWII at Camp Evans, tested in NY state.  Early WWII radar systems could not detect a low flying suicide-attack plane with mountains in the background.  These were the condition US forces would face in the invasion of mainland Japan.  Camp Evans radar engineers, lead by Project Diana engineer E. King Stodola, were prepared.  The use of the radar triggered atomic bomb made the invasion unnecessary.  See story based upon this information.

January 21, “When radar reached the moon – UI’s Harold Webb recalls scientific coup 40 years later.”, by Abe Aamidor, The News-Gazette,    Page A-8


A Concise History of Fort Monmouth, New Jersey.  Prepared by staff of Historical Office, CECOM, July 1985.  On file, CECOM Historical Research Collection., Infoage Archives. “The Development of the Transistor”. Military Enterprise and Technological Change –   Perspectives on the American Experience. By Misa, Thomas., Merrit R. Smith, MIT Press, Cambridge. Pages 251-287

May 24, Huge ‘turntable’ designed here for research., Monmouth Message VOL 38 No. 21


July,  Historic Properties Report: Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, and Subinstallations Charles Wood Area and Evans Area.  Final Report, July 1984.  By Buchanan, D. G., and J. P. Johnson. Prepared under Contract CX-0001-2-0033 Between Building Technology, Inc. (BTI), Silver Spring, Maryland, and the Historic American Building Survey/Historic American Engineering Record, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.  On file, New South Associates.

Who Killed Joe McCarthy?, by Ewald, W. B., Jr.  Simon and Schuster, New York. Pages 90-96. Acquired via ebay, on file at Infoage

September 19, “Big Role in Soviet Computers Laid to Rosenberg Associate”., The New York Times., Monday September 19, 1983
A story of how the missing signal corps engineers may have assisited Soviet engineering

October 3, Klein, J. I., L. G. Bianchi, and L. E. Williams, 1984  An Archaeological Overview and Management Plan for Fort Monmouth (Main Post), Camp Charles Wood, and the Evans Area.  Final Report No. 3, October 1984.  Under Contract CX 4000-3-0018 with the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Philadelphia, for the U.S. Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, by Envirosphere Company, 2 World Trade Center, New York, New York.  Prepared under supervision of Joel I. Klein, Principal Investigator.  On file, New South Associates.


A Conspiracy So Immense: The World of Joe McCarthy, by David M. Oshinsky. The Free Press, A Division of Macmillan, Inc. NY, NY. Pages 330-344. An entire chapter is devoted to the “Fort Monmouth Hearings” as well as additional coverage in the balance of the book. Gift of Mr. Bernard Martin, who was unjustly suspended during the McCarthy investigations.  Second copy acquired via ebay, on file at Infoage

October 2, “Three weeks in October: When McCarthyism ran wild at Fort Monmouth”., By Erlinda Villamor, Asbury Park Press, Section C. An article on Ira J. Katchen the lawyer who represented a number of the ‘suspected spies’ at the Army-McCarthy hearings.


January,  The Classic Beverage Antenna Revisited, by  Doug DeMaw ARRL, in QST  page 11. A reprint with editorial comments of the classic 1922 QST  A wave antenna for 200-Meter reception, by H. H. Beverage,

February 26, Black Leaders – Many contributed to communications achievements., by Wilhemina Mitchell, Monmouth Message, Page 5

“Fort Monmouth and McCarthy: The Victims Remembered.” by David Oshinsky, NJ History 100, ½ (1982): 1-13.  On file, CECOM. Historical Research Collection An account of the damage to careers and lives caused by the Senator Joe McCarthy accusations as told by Camp Evans personnel.

The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy: A Biography.  by Reeves, T. C., Stein and Day,  New York. Pages 516-518 and  599.  Acquired via ebay, on file at Infoage

Winter, A Signal Corps Space Odyssey: Part II – SCORE and beyond., by Brig. Gen. H. Mc D. Brown., The Army Communicator The continuing “Odessey” tells the story of how the SigC helped develop the satellites SCORE, COURIER and TIROS.


January 7, “First ‘moon shot’ made 35 years ago.”, The Monmouth Message, Page 10

Fall, A Signal Corps Space Odyssey: Part I – Prelude to SCORE., by Dr. Hans K. Ziegler., The Army Communicator This tells the story of how the SigC helped establish space research and exploration. First application of solar cells in space, etc.


May, How Diana touched the moon., by Trevor Clark, IEEE Spectrum Pages 44-48.


“Foster Merrill Dennis, 1897-1979”, by Henry J. Nahal, unpublished paper.  On file, Infoage Archives


“A History of Engineering and Science in the Bell System, National Service in War and Peace (1925 – 1975)”, by Fagen, M. D., Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.  On File AT&T Archives. pg 702


October 25, Historic Tower – photo – Asbury Park Press.  Photo of Wall Township Boy Scouts Troop 33 dedicating Marconi Memorial Tower on Marconi Road.


WHEN EVEN ANGELS WEPT,  The Senator Joseph McCarthy Affair – A Story Without a Hero.  by Lately Thomas.  William Morrow & Company  page 368.


October 5, Deal Test Area Facilities to Move to Evans Area, The Monmouth Message, Page 2


January-February. Original Participants Mark Diana’s 25th Anniversary., Army Research and Development News Magazine. Page 52 PROJECT PAPERCLIP, German Scientists and the Cold War, by Clarence G. Lasby, Published by Atheneum, NY, NY. Page 251-252 The German Scientists at Fort Monmouth and Camp Evans…”were of the more exceptional caliber than any single group imported under Paperclip”.

March 9,  “Fallen Marconi Tower to Be Raised”.,  The Asbury Park Press.  Page 2.

March 11, “Army Working To Raise Tower.”,  Coast Advertiser.


January 15,  First Historic Moon Radar Contact Marked by Governor’s Proclamation.  The Coast Advertiser.  Page 1.
Communications in Space FROM MARCONI TO MAN ON THE MOON New and Expanded Edition. By ORRIN E. DUNLAP, Jr  Every aspect of this book relates to Camp Evans.  Direct reference to Project Diana on page 84

October, “Tales of Yesteryear: In Case You Have Forgotten,” by Harold Zahl, in Signal: Official Journal of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, October 1970.  On file, Folder “Evans Area Material,” Box “Papers and Articles on Early History of Fort Monmouth: Evans Area, Deal Test Site, Gibbs Hall, Labs,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

December, “Tales of Yesteryear: A Tale of Two Crises,” by Harold Zahl, in Signal: Official Journal of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, December 1970.  On file, Infoage Archives.


Man of High Fidelity: Edwin Howard Armstrong., by Lawrence Lessing, J.B Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, Pa.

June, Eagles’ Eyes For The Infantry – Army June 1969 by James H. Hoque, pages 61-65 This article described equipment developed at Camp Evans and used in Vietnam for Army intelligence.

July?, “First Radar Contact with Moon in ’46.”, by Charles Leveroni, The Boston Herald Traveler

August 20, “Jack Mofenson, Assisted First Earth-Moon Contact”, Boston Herald Traveler, page 28-Obituaries

August 20, “Jack Mofenson, Space Pioneer in Radar”, The Boston Globe, page 36-Obituaries


ELECTRONS AWAY or Tales of a GOVERNMENT SCIENTIST.  by Harold A. Zahl,  Published by Vantage Press, Inc. NY, NY

Looking Ahead – The Papers of David Sarnoff,  Courtesy of: Historical Electronics Museum, Md. David Sarnoff’s report of the famous regenerative circuit test at Belmar station – the ushering in of modern radio.


May 14, “McCarthy’s 1953 Witch Hunt A Dark Cloud in Fort History”., by John Curley,  Asbury Park Sunday Press, page 40. May 14, 1967

November “ACSC-E Lotz Discusses New Trends in Communications,” Army Research and Development Newsmagazine, by Army Research and Development, November 1967, p. 24.  On file, Box “Labs-Publicity (Overview),” CECOM Historical Research Collection.


A Colby Book About The Signal Corps Today: Its Role in Modern Warfare, by C. B. Colby, Coward-McCann, Inc., NY, NY
A photo book with many Camp Evans projects. Examples are TV training, mobile weather radar, hand-held radar, Radio-controlled photo plane, Mortar fire detective, Project Diana, Diana 50-foot moon radar dish, and steps into space with Vanguard I, Courier, and TIROS I.

David Sarnoff, A Biography., by Eugene Lyons, Harper  Row, NY.  Pages 65, 78 A recount of regenerative circuit test at Belmar station.

TIROS: Weather Eye In Space, by John Jakes.  Julian Messner, NY NY.  Pages 104- 114 Details of the testing at Fort Monmouth (Camp Evans Space Chamber) of the components, model T-1.  The training of ground crew with T-1A and the complete satellite test with D-1.  Plus info on the first photos to arrive at Evans.


Looking Ahead – The Papers of David Sarnoff, A Notable Wireless Advance – Armstrong’s Regenerative Circuit., Courtesy of: Historical Electronics Museum, Md. It contains Sarnoff’s actual report of the regenerative circuit test at Marconi’s Belmar station.

The Story of the U.S. Army Signal Corps, by Max L. Marshall, Franklin Watts, Inc. Accounts of Signal Corps advance, a number of which are associated with camp Evans.  For example, the Diana Dish pictured in the link.


“The Signal Corps: The Outcome (Mid 1943- through 1945),” The United States Army in World War II: The Technical Services.  by Thompson, G. R., and D. R. Harris, Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army.  Washington, D.C.  On file, CECOM Historical Research Collection.  Lots of references to WWII projects Camp Evans was involved in…radar, IFF, counterfire systems, enemy fire location radar, etc.

March, The Secret Tube That Changed The War, by Willian I. Orr, March 1964 Popular Electronics, pages 57-59 & 103-105 The Zahl tube story(VT-158)…the 1943 AN/TPS-3 in Normandy…the AN/TPQ-3 mortor radar used in WWII and Korea.

August 2, “Order for Navy to Take Over Wireless Stations – Ago Paved Way for Electronic Feats at Evans”, The Asbury Park Press

September 5, “Variety Of Ideas In Patents Field – Edwin K. Stodola”, The New York Times


History of  Communications-Electronics in the United States Navy.  By Howeth, L.S.  Washington D.C., Bureau of Ship and Office of Naval History. Contains information on the Navy’s use of the Belmar Marconi Station during WWI.  Details on Anti-static Weagant’s work.

Satellite Tracking Facilities – Their History and Operation, by Shirley Thomas, Holt, Reinehart and Winston, Inc. Pages 20-21 using the Diana site in mini track, page 121 tells us the TLM-18 60-foot dish was procured from Radiation, Inc. now Harris.

January, “Modern Radar.”, by Herbert Weiss, International Science and Technology, Pages 75- 84

Point of Order (Film) Point Films, Inc., NY, NY. This documentary film of the Army-McCarthy Congressional Hearings is based on the original film of the hearings.  Thirty Camp Evans employees were suspended based on false charges by Senator McCathy’s investigators.  All were cleared.  One quote of the Senator in the film…”If you only knew what is going on in our secret radar facility” the Senator was referring to Camp Evans.


May, “Antennas and Transmission Lines”, by Harold H. Beverage, in Proceedings of the IRE – Fiftieth Anniversary, Page 879 – 884 The author and inventor of the Beverage Antenna reviews work in antennas.  He cites work he and Lindenblad did about 1921 at Belmar with balanced transmission lines.  They used two-wire 1400 foot transmission lines tuned to the amateur wavelength of 200 meters. He mentions other Belmar work: the Ground Wires research by A. Hoyt Taylor (Proc.IRE Dec. 1919) , and the loop antenna work of Roy Weagant.  The New Brunswick Station antennas and Alexanderson alternators are cited also.


Key Signal Corps Systems and Projects



Key Signal Corps Systems and Projects (U), Revised 1 July 1962.  On file, Box “Research and Development Project Lists,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.


Radar: A Reluctant Miracle,  Un-Published Manuscript by McKenny, Colonel John B.,  On file, IEEE History Center, Carnegie Institution Biography of A. Hoyt Taylor from Radar: A Reluctant Miracle

Electronic News,  “Astro Observation Center in New Jersey Round-Clock, Seven-Day Week Operation,” 11 September 1961.  Article on file, Folder “Astro Observation Center, Deal Station; Evans Area,” in Box “Labs-Projects and Facilities,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

A History of the United States SIGNAL CORPS, by THE  EDITORS OF THE ARMY TIMES, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, NY Overview of WWII radar, Project Diana, electronic warfare, early satellites, miniaturization of electronic components, and battle computers.


unknown date, From Marconi To The Moon.  By Maj. Edward T. Hale.  The Asbury Park Press.  Page 15 – 16.
From an Early Sputnik Diary. by HAROLD A. ZAHL.  IRE Transactions on Military Electronics, April-July 1960,  Pages 320-322
Reprint from IRE Transactions on Military Electronics, vol. MIL-4, nos. 2 and 3, April-July 1960.  On file, Box “Labs-Projects and Facilities,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.
First Quarter, “Radio Detection and Ranging”, By Brig. Gen. John C. Monahan., Sperryscope, pages 5-8.

March 31, Pioneer V is Tracked 1.6 Million Miles in Space., Monmouth Message

April 1, ‘Diana’ Tracks Space Probe. Red Bank Register

April 7,  “Signal Pilots Fly Photos To NASA”  &  “Teams Now Monitoring Its Signals”, Monmouth Message, Page 1 cont. page 3.
Article on how first TIROS weather photos were received at Camp Evans and then flown to NASA in Washington D.C. for presentation to President Eisenhower.

April-July, The Signal Corps Astro-Observation Center, by L.H Manamon and A. S. Gross, IRE Transactions on Military Electronics, Pages 327-331

June 23,  The sphere spotter. The Monmouth Message – SigC Anniversary Issue

August, “Extraordinary Photographs of Earth Taken by Satellite Tiros”, by W. G. Stroud.  National Geographic, Vol. 118 No. 2 , page 292-302.
A photo on page 296 shows the equipment inside building 9162 at the Diana site –  the TIROS Ground Command and Control Center for TIROS I & II..

August, “RADAR ASTRONOMY”, by Von R. Eshleman and Allen M. Peterson, in SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Volume 203, Number 2, Pages 50 – 59. An overview to the field of radar astronomy which began at Camp Evans in 1946 with Project Diana…
November  23,  Scientists Here Keep Eyes on The Moon.  The Monmouth Message Page 3.
An article telling how the Diana site is helping prepare for visiting the moon by mapping its surface.
December 1,  Lab Speeds Tiros Photos.  The Monmouth Message Page 1



All About Radio and Television., Round-Trip to the Moon. By Jack Gould. Random House, NY  Pages 132-139. A children’s story of Project Diana and the opening of the Space Age at Camp Evans.

Map of Government-Owned Land at the Evans Area (Bub-post of Fort Monmouth), Wall Township, Monmouth County, New Jersey.  Requested by the Township of Wall for a Public Park.  Surveyed May 2, 1958.  Claude W. Birdsall, Township Engineer.  On file, Folder “Evans Area, Transfer of Excess Land to Wall Township,” Directorate of Public Works, Fort Monmouth


“The Signal Corps: The Test (December 1941-July 1943),” The United States Army in World War II: The Technical Services.  by Thompson, G. R., D. R. Harris, P. M. Oakes, and D. Terrett,  Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army.  Washington, D.C.  On file, Woodruff Library, Emory University, CECOM Historical Research Collection.
Pages 261-265:  SCR 602, Lightweight Warning Radar
Pages 265-274:  SCR 584, Microwave Tracking or GL,  Gun Laying Radar




TRANSISTORS: Theory and Applications, by Coblenz, Abraham and Owens, Harry L. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc, NY, NY From the Preface: “This book had its inception during a casual conversation in 1952 at the Evans Signal Laboratory, Belmar, N.J., between one of the authors and Mr. Richard J. Gale.”….”Two series of lectures were given at Evans Signal Laboratory”…Mr. James D. Fahnstock, then associate editor of Electronics magazine, invited the authors to write a series of articles
based upon the lectures”… “The first eleven chapters, exclusive of the historical chapter, appeared consecutively in Electronics magazine from March 1953, until January 1954.  Because of widespread reader interest, the authors were invited to publish the articles in book form,…”

September, How Radar Will Watch Satellite. In Popular Science.  Page 132   This article shows a captured German radar, Wurtzburg Reise, reworked with a new 50-foot antenna and now installed upon a tower at the Project Dian Site.


HEARINGS BEFORE THE PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, UNITED STATES SENATE, EIGHTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION., PURSUANT TO S. Res. 40,. Part 1: OCTOBER 22, NVEMBER 24, 25, AND DECEMBER 8, 1953., United States Government Printing Office, Washington: 1954 The actual hearing testimony…Evans Signal Laboratory on pages 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 14, 17, 20, 38, 42, 51-53, 62-64.

U.S. Senate 1954 Hearings Before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, United States Senate, Eighty-Third Congress, First Session, Pursuant to S. Res. 40: Army Signal Corps-Subversion and Espionage, Parts I-XI, 22 October 1953-11 March 1954.  U.S. Government Printing Office, 1954, Washington, D.C.  On file, Woodruff Library, Emory University.



August 23  “The Magicians of Monmouth, N.J.,” Saturday Evening Post, by Shalett, S., pp. 34-35, 58, 62, 64, and 66.  Also reprinted by special permission of Saturday Evening Post by The Centis Publishing Company.  On file, Folder “Signal Corps Labs-Articles ca. the 1950s,” Box “Labs: Publicity (Overview),” CECOM Historical Research Collection. This is an excellent view of 1950’s electronics with predictions of the future of computers and transistors.  Camp Evans housed the Army’s first transistor laboratory.  Acquired via eBay, on file at Infoage


August 1, Injected Light Emission of Silicon Carbide Crystals by K. LEHOVEC, C. A. ACCARDO, AND E. JAMGOCHIAN in The Physical Review Vol. 83, No. 3, 603-607. This pioneering paper provided an explanation of what later became known as LED’s, or light-emitting diodes.  Wm Shockley of Bell Labs was at the presentation of this paper.


Man With a Vision: The Story of Percy Crawford. by Bahr, Bob.  Moody Press, Chicago.  Excerpt on file, Infoage Archives.

January, Coincidence Experiments for Noise Reduction in Scintillation Counting by Hartmut Kallmann and Carl A. Accardo.  The Review of Scientific Instruments. A technical paper by two distinguished scientists.


March, “Detection of Radio Signals Reflected from the Moon”, by Jack H, DeWitt,Jr. and E.K. Stodola, Proceedings of the I.R.E., Pages 229-242

March 11, Monmouth Will Have Television Station. The Monmouth Message, page 1

April 8, With This Balloon. Photo published in The Monmouth Message, page 1

October 7, Post Presents Exhibit To Franklin Institute.  The Monmouth Message, page 1

December 12, Marconi Wireless Tower Still Serves at Evans. Asbury Park Evening Press. by Si Liberman


RADIO REMINISCENCES: A HALF CENTURY by A. Hoyt Taylor., Pub. by U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington. D.C.  First Edition 1948,  reprint 1960, Pages 50 – 60
A personal account of important WWI activities at Marconi Belmar station by the Trans-Atlantic Communications Officier

RADAR – What Radar Is and How It Works.   Harper & Brothers, New York, NY. On file, Infoage Archives

January, PULSED TUBE LIFE TEST, “electronics”, A McGraw-Hill Publication,  Cover page.


March, “Way-Station to Mars”, by Hy Turkin., PIC-The Magazine For Young Men, vol. 20, no. 3, Page 58-59 7 117

July 13, ‘DISCS’ Mystery To Even Officials But Could Be Weather Gagets. The Asbury Park Sunday Press, Page 1

November, Signal Corps’ New Tricks. Photos by Hubert  Luckett.  Popular Science Monthly, November 1947. Pages 134 – 135
– Improving Nazi Radar
– Plastic Aids Tube Surgery
– Ack-Ack Accuracy
– Stamping Magnetron Parts
– Tubes Get Tank-Ride Test
– Radar Tracks Down Mortars


A History of Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 1917-1946.  by Anonymous, Headquarters, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey.

Manhattan District History, Project Y, The Los Alamos Project, Vol. 1. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California, Los Alamos, New Mexico.  Vol. 1 by Hawkins, David. Contract W-7405-ENG. 36 with the Atomic Energy Commission.
When the Los Alamos atomic scientists were looking for a trigger for the A-bomb they used a modified AN/APS-13 developed by the Signal Corps.  Drop testing of dummy A-Bombs with radar triggers was done in NJ, not Los Alamos, was this to have radar expertise available from Camp Evans nearby?

January, Radar Countermeasures, “electronics”, A McGraw-Hill Publication, Pages 92-97

January,  RADAR ON 50 CENTIMETERS. (Part 1) By Lt. Col. Harold Zahl and Major John Marchetti, “electronics”, A McGraw-Hill Publication,  Pg 98

January, Fire-Control Radar MPG-1 (Part 2). By Straus, H.A. et al “electronics”, A McGraw-Hill Publication,  Pg 110 – 117

January, Jersey Central First Power Company in History To Reach the Moon; An Epic in Science

January 25, “Contact With Moon Achieved By Radar In Test By The Army”, by Jack Gould, The New York Times, Page 1

January 25, “U.S. Runs Planet-Predict Radar Map of Moon-Space Ship Conrol Seen.”, by Wm. E. Zimmerman, New York Journal American, Page 1 & 7.

January 25, “Radar Brings Moon Close For Research”, by Malcolm Logan, New York Post, Page 1 & 3

January 25, Scientific History in 2 1/2 Seconds as Radar Hits Moon.  Chicage-Herald-American Page one, cont. 7

January 25, “Orson Welles Switches to Moon”, by Alice Davidson, New York Post, Page 3

January 25, “ARMY RADAR CONTACTS THE MOON.”, Daily Mirror, New York, vol. 22, no. 185, Page 1

January 26, “Army Awards DeWitt Legion of Merit Medal – Conceived, Prepared First Drawing of Radar Set to Locate Enemy Mortars by Fire”,      The Tennessean

January 28, “What Makes Luna Tick?”., by Stan Mac Govern., New York Post – Silly Milly Comics

January 31, “RADAR REACHES MOON!!”., by Harold Berman, The Signaleer., vol. 2 no. 5 Pages 1 & 4

February,  RADAR ON 50 CENTIMETERS. (Part 2) By Lt. Col. Harold Zahl and Major John Marchetti, “electronics”, A McGraw-Hill Publication,  Pg 98

February, The SCR-584 Radar – Part . in “electronics”, A McGraw-Hill Publication,  Pg 110

February 1, ” Radar Speeds Trip To Moon, Back Again In 2.5 Seconds.”, The Signal Corps Message, Page 3

February 4, “Diana”., Time, Vol 47, no. 3, Page 84

February 4, “Radar Bounces Echo off the Moon to Throw Light on Lunar Riddle”., Pages 76-77

February 4, “Man Reaches Moon with Radar”. Life, vol. 20, no. 5 Page 30.

February 10, “CONTACT WITH THE MOON”, The Springfield Union and Republican, Springfield, Mass., Page 3

February 17, “Protest to the Moon”., by Ruth Sulzberger, New York Times Magazine

March, Fire-Control Radar MPG-1 (Part 3). By Straus, H.A. et al “electronics”, A McGraw-Hill Publication,  Pg 140 – 147

March 7, “Van Deusen Foresees Pin-Point Broadcasts”, Asbury Park Evening Press

March 14, “Belmar Kiwanis Honor S.C.E.L.”, The Signaleer, vol. 2, no. 11, page 1

March 21, “S.C.E.L. Accomplishments Acclaimed!”, The Signaleer, vol. 2, no. 12 Page 1

April, “Radar Echoes From the Moon”, by Jack Mofenson  “electronics”, A McGraw-Hill Publication,  Pg 92. Detailed description of the techniques underlying the first recorded radio transmission through outer space

April, “PROJECT DIANA – Army Radar Contacts the Moon”, by Harold D. Webb, Sky and Telescope, no 54, Page 3-6

April,  “Radio To The Moon”, By Lt. Col.  John DeWitt.  In Radio-Craft.  Pages 464, 501-503

May, “A DX Record: To the Moon and Back, How the Moon-Radar Feat was Accomplished”, by Herbert Kauffman, QST May 1946, Pages 65-68

June, ” Measuring Rod.”, by Jerome Stanton, Astounding Science & Fiction, Pages 99- 117

June, CIRCUIT UNDER GLASS, “electronics”, A McGraw-Hill Publication,  Cover page. Not to be outdone by the ‘cover girls’ of the fashion world Camp Evans had a ‘cover tube’, the VT-158

September, “New Frontier in the Sky”, by F. Barrows Colton. The National Geographic Magazine, Sept 1946, Vol. XC, No. 3, Pages 379-408


Brief History of Evans Signal Laboratory.  Unpublished ms. in Folder “1959 Alecia Travis-Evans, Assorted Docs, History of Camp Evans Lab,” in Box “Papers and Articles on Early History of Fort Monmouth: Evans Area, Deal Test Site, Gibbs Hall, Laboratories.”  On file, CECOM Historical Research Collection.

December, Tube for the SCR 270 Radar. in “electronics”, A McGraw-Hill Publication,  Pg 308-311

August 15, “U.S. Gives Radar Secrets, ‘Major Reason’ of Victory”, by Reuel S. Moore, The New York Daily News This excellent article published the day WWII ended shows the key roll radar and Camp Evans played  in the Allied victory!

September, The SCR-268 RADAR , ELECTRONICS, Pages 100 – 109. This is an excellent technical overview of the SCR-268.

October 18, Luncheon For ESL Engineer.  The Signaleer. Page 1  Bernard H. Strouse – Interrogation and Beacons Section

November, The SCR-584 Radar – Part I. in “electronics”, A McGraw-Hill Publication,  Pg 104 – 109

November, Radar Specifications. in “electronics”, A McGraw-Hill Publication,  Pg 116 – 119

December, Fire-Control Radar MPG-1 (Part 1). By Straus, H.A. et al “electronics”, A McGraw-Hill Publication,  Pg 92 – 97

December, The SCR-584 Radar – Part II. in “electronics”, A McGraw-Hill Publication,  Pg 104 – 109


Roy Alexander Weagant –  ENGINEERED TO CONQUER STATIC.,  Radio’s 100 Men of Science, Biographical Narratives of Pathfinder in Electronics and Television By Orrin E. Dunlap,Jr.  Page 204-207, On File:  Historical Electronics Museum, Md.

The Life of Roy A. Weagant, by G. H. Clark. completed January 1944, unpublished. Copies on file at Princeton University and Smithsonian.  Page 30-31 Belmar test.


History of the Signal Corps Development of U.S. Army Radar Equipment, Part I: Early Research and Development, 1918-1937.  by Davis, H. M., Office of the Chief Signal Officer (OCSigO), Historical Section Field Office, New York, 27 March 1943. On file, CECOM Historical Research Collection. This extensive work tells the story of the team of Signal Corps engineers under the technical leadership of Major William R. Blair who developed Army radar…

April, MARCONI – The Man And His Wireless.  by Orrin E. Dunlap. The Macmillian Company, NY NY  On page 217 “The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America on June 7, 1912, signed  contracts for the purchase of 550 acres near Belmar, New Jersey, as a site for a $600,000 transatlantic station.”

August, SECRET MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT FOR AUGUST 1943(DECLASSIFIED) See the list of 1943 secret radar projects and list of Camp Evans Officers….On flie National Archives at College Park


Rowland, John T (Architect – Engineer)
Plans and Elevations, Field Laboratory Buildings 8B and 9B
Plans and Elevations, Field Laboratory Buildings 10B and 11B

King’s College Area, New Jersey; Utilities-Electrical.  Plan No. 6148-114.  U.S. Engineer Office, Philadelphia.  On file, Building 498, Directorate of Public Works, Fort Monmouth.

March 25 Radar Laboratory And Site At Belmar Named In Honor Of Late Lt. Col. Paul W. Evans, Monmouth Signal, page 1. A brief account of the life Signal Corps officer Paul Wesley Evans and the ceremony of dedication.

March 26 Belmar Camp Named ‘Evans’.  The Asbury Park Press, Page 1. On file Monmouth County Historical Assoc.

April 1, Camp Evans Dedicated – Children of Officer for Whom West Belmar Post Is Named Aid in Signal Corps Service.  Possibly the Asbury Park Press.  On file Monmouth County Historical Assoc.


Rowland, John T (Architect – Engineer)
First Floor Plan, Main Building #1B, Alteration to Existing Buildings, Kings College Area, Fort Monmouth, NJ, On file Building 498, Directorate of Public Works, Fort Monmouth.
Second Floor Plan, Main Building # 1B
Floor Plan and Misc. Details Buildings 2B and 3B
Heating Plan Buildings 4B and 5B

August 15,  Army To Take Over Old Marconi Tract.  Coast Advertiser. On file Monmouth County Historical Assoc.

September 11,  Army Buys Marconi Site For Signal Laboratory.  The Asbury Park Press, Page 1, On file Monmouth County Historical Assoc.

September 11,  Fort Monmouth To Acquire More Land – King’s College Property Of 93 Acres Assigned To Signal Corps.   Monmouth Journal.  On file Monmouth County Historical Assoc.


The King’s Songs.  Compiled by Ruth D. Crawford and Percy B. Crawford, M.A.  Philadelphia.  Copyright by Percy B. Crawford.  On file, Infoage Archives.


September 29, Klan Loses Jersey Suit, Federal Court Upholds Dismissal of Action to Confiscate Land, The New York Times., Page 8.

The Wireless Age

n.d. “The Belmar Days”, The Wireless Age  (no date – placed here based on comments in the article).  Reprint on file, Infoage Archives.
This personal story gives a glimpse into the life at the station during the 1920’s. “Belmar! It is a sweet and euphonious name.”


Amended Map of Imperial Park, Wall Township, Monmouth County, New Jersey.  Surveyed June 1928.  Claude W. Birdsall, Municipal Engineer and Land Surveyor, South Belmar, New Jersey.  On file, Folder “Evans Area, Maps for Information,” in Folder “Evans Acquisition,” Directorate of Public Works, Fort Monmouth.

January 29, Klan Seeks to Get Land, Asks Court to Prevent Sale by Jersey Unit That Lost Charter., The New York Times., Page 8.

February 17,  Jersey Klan Loses Its Fight For Pleasure Club, Pg. 1  Asbury Park Evening Press –

February 28,  Klan Loses Suit For $1,000,000 Shore Club, Pg. 1 Asbury Park Press –

April 23, 1928 Candidates Ignore Inquisition of Klan, Pg. 1 Asbury Park Evening Press –

October, The Electric World, The Rise of Radio., By Paul Schubert, The Macmillan Company, New York, New York., Pages 85-104, 153-157, 163, 187.  On file NBHF at Camp Evans.


October  4,  $1,000,000 Property Crux of Klan Fight, Pg. 1  Asbury Park Evening Press –

October 8,   Will Thrash Out Klan Row Tonight, Both New York and New Jersey Said to Be Involved In Pleasure Club Dispute Pg. ? Asbury Park Evening Press

October 9,  Shore Klan Ranks Fall Away As ‘Grab Scheme’ Is Feared; Bell’s Hold Begins to Wane,  Pg. 1 Asbury Park Evening Press –


Map of Shark River Terrace, Township of Wall, Monmouth County, New Jersey.  Surveyed September 1, 1926.  Claude W. Birdsall, Municipal Engineer and Surveyor, South Belmar, New Jersey.   On file, Folder “Evans Acquisition,” Directorate of Public Works, Fort Monmouth.

June 20, Klan has Summer Resort, Buys Old Marconi Radio Station of 396 Acres on Shark River., The New York Times., Page 20, section 2.

July 4, Wizard to fly to Klan, Evans Expected at Shark River Celebration, The New York Times., Page 8.


The Principles Underlying Radio Communication 2nd ed. Radio Communications Pamphlet No. 40.  U.S. Army Signal Corps., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1922, Washington, D.C.  Revised to May 24,1921    On file, Infoage Archives,  Pages: 316, 347, 396. A technical publication by the Signal Corps.  The New Brunswick Station equipment is cited a number of times.

November, A wave antenna for 200-Meter reception, by H. H. Beverage, in  QST, page 7. A classic article that describes work Dr. Harold Beverage and Dr. H. O. Peterson did on the wave antenna at Belmar station.  Includes a photo.


June,  Professor Einstein Looks Into Radio., Wireless Age, Volume 8, number 9.  On file: Stanford University Library, Ca., Sarnoff Collection at the Sarnoff Corporation, Princeton, NJ and Camp Evans.


Practical Wireless Telegraphy: A Complete Text Book for Students of Radio Communication.  By Elmer E. Bucher, Instructing Engineer, Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America, Member, Institute of Radio Engineers.  First printed July 1917; revised edition May 1920.  Wireless Press, Inc., New York.  On file, Infoage Archives.  Pages 292-307. This handbook describes the Marconi station aerials at Belmar and New Brunswick and “Circuit No. 2”.  N.B. transmits to Towyne, Wales – Belmar receives from Carnarvon, Wales.

“Longwaves and Strays on Rogers Antennae”, Lieut. Comm. A. H. Taylor, Electrical Experimenter, 1920. Describes work done by the Navy during WWI at the Marconi Belmar Station aka Camp Evans

The United States Marine Corps in the World War.  By Major Edwin N. McClellan, USMC.  Historical Branch, G-3 Division, HQ, USMC, Wash.  D.C. Lists the Belmar Station as one of the Radio stations Marine Corps units guarded during the First World War.  – Page 19.


April, Weagant’s Anti-Static Invention, Details of a Great Discovery Which Has Revolutionized Long Distance Wireless Communication, Part 1,
found in “The Wireless Age”, Pages 11 – 20, by Elmer E. Bucher. Describes advances in wireless reception antenna circuits made by Weagant at Marconi’s Aldene factory and the Belmar Station.  This advance was kept secret during WWI as it gave the US a communications advantage. Acquired via eBay, on file at Infoage

July, The Armistice Preliminaries Hastened Through Use of Wireless., The Wireless Age, courtesy William Brahms of Franklin Township, home of New Brunswick Marconi station. President Wilson used the Marconi Stations to address the German people and make wireless history.  A U.S. President communicates with an enemy wireless population.

“Ground Wires and Shortwaves”, Lieut. Comm. H. A. Taylor, Proceedings Institute Radio Engineers, Vol. 7 (4), 1919. Describes work done by the Navy during WWI at the Marconi Belmar Station aka Camp Evans



On November 19, 1918, the story of Roy A. Weagant’s static elimination invention was disclosed to the press. Much of the development work on this invention was done at Aldene, NJ, Belmar, NJ and Miami, Fl. The following articles & many many more are on file at Princeton University in the Edwar Nally papers

November 19, Inventor finds a way to keep wireless clear, New York Times.

November 19, New Powers for Wireless, NY Evening Sun

November 19, Wireless to be rid of Towers, NY Evening Glode

November 19, New Invention Rids Wireless of Towers, NY Evening Journal

November 19, Navy Used New Radio System Invented Here, NY Evening Mail

November 19, Wireless Without Towers, Invented Here, First Used by U.S. Navy, then by Allies, NY Evening Mail

November 19, Wireless Freed From Static by New Invention, NY Evening Telegram

November 20, NY Sun quote: “Almost everything the Germans sent out breaing on the question of peace was received”

November 20, U.S. Kept Informed, NY Tribune. Quote: “Through its agency, he said, the U.S. government at Washington, unbeknown to Germany, had learned of nearly all the Teutonic moves and intentions hours before any rumours of them leaked out to the world at large.” ***Numerous other articles on file at Princeton***


November, “The Wireless Operator’s Future”, The Wireless Age, published by the American Marconi Campany, pages 127-129
Want a great job with a future?  Become a wireless operator at a Marconi High-Powered station, like ours!!


March, Marconi Company Purchase Land., The Wireless Age, courtesy of Stanford University, Ca. On microfilm at Infoage Library A little story of how Dr. Kinmouth sold a small patch of his farm “Garden of the Gods” to Marconi.

March, The “Wireless” Girdling of the Earth. By J. F. Springer. The American Review of Reviews.  Pages 327-335  A great find on eBay – a complete overview of Marconi’s progress with photos of the erection of the 400-foot masts at Belmar and a view of the construction shack where Edwin Armstrong demonstrated his regenerative circuit to David Sarnoff

April, MARCONI  LIGHTS  A  LAMP  SIX  MILES  AWAY., Electrical Experimenter, page 186

April 12, Marconi Wireless Station, at Belmar, NJ, postcard published by E. F. Henderson, Glendola, NJ

July 9, WIRELESS PLANT COMPLETED, The Hightstown Gazette, Page 1

August, The Belmar Station., Wireless Age, courtesy of Stanford University, Ca. On microfilm at Infoage Library

September?, The New Brunswick station, Wireless Age, courtesy of Stanford University, Ca. On microfilm at Infoage Library

October, “Belmar-New Brunswick: the New Receiving and Transmitting Stations in New Jersey, USA, for Direct Wireless Communication with Great Britain,” The Wireless World, October 1914, pp. 414-418.  On file, Infoage Archives.


J. G. White Engineering Corporation –
1913a Front and Rear Elevations, Hotel, Station No. 6.  Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co.  J. G. White Engineering Corporation, New York.  On file, B-920 & B-920-1, Building 498, Directorate of Public Works, Fort Monmouth.
1913b End Elevations, Hotel, Station No. 6.
1913c Foundation Plan, Hotel, Station No. 6.
1913d Plan of First Floor, Hotel, Station No. 6.
1913e Construction, First Floor, Hotel, Station No. 6.
1913f Plan of Second Floor, Hotel, Station No. 6
1913g Construction, Second Floor, Hotel, Station No. 6
1913h Ceiling Plan-Steelwork, Hotel, Station No. 6
1913i Roof Plan-Steelwork, Hotel, Station No. 6.
1913j Plumbing Layout, Hotel, Station No. 6.
1913k Steam Heating Plan, Hotel, Station No. 6.
1913l Lighting Plans and Details, Hotel, Station No. 6.
1913m Lt. & Heat. Plant-Station No. 6.
1913n Foundations and Floor Plan, Heat and Light Plant-Sta. No. 6 and Sta. No. 8.
1913o Roof Plan & Details-Steel, Heating and Lighting Bldg., Sta. No. 6.
1913p General Piping Plan, Heat & Light Plant, Station 6 & 8.
1913q Lighting Plans, Lighting and Heating Plant, Sta. No. 6.
1913r Roof Plan-Steelwork, Residence, Stations No. 5 & 6.
1913s Miscellaneous Details, Residence, Stations No. 5 & 6.
1914 Heating Coils for Oil Storage Tanks, Scheme “A”; Heat & Light Plant- Station No. 6.

June 12, Marconi Speeds Up Wireless Messages, Inventer Says New Station at Belmar Will Handle Sixty Words a Minute.  The New York Times.  Page 2.

June 30, WIRELESS PLANT MEETS APPROVAL OF MARCONI, Inventer, and Officers of Company Inspect Big Station Being Erected at Belmar.  The Asbury Park Evening Press. Page 1. On File at the Asbury Park Library. This is the first time Guglielmo Marconi visited Belmar.

November,  Transatlantic Wireless Telegraphy – THE NEW JERSEY STATION., The Wireless World, Pages 474-476, On file Stanford University, InfoAge

December,  Preparing to Connect the Continents by Wireless,  The Wireless World, Pages 242-243,  On file Stanford University, InfoAge. A photo of the Belmar hotel under construction and one of the 300-foot wireless mast being erected.


June 7, Big Jersey Station For Ocean Wireless.  The New York Times. Page 6.

September  “AROUND-THE-WORLD WIRELESS,” Popular Mechanics, September 1912, p. 331-334.  By Sammis, Frederick Minturn. On file, New York Public Library Microfilm Archives, 34th & Madison St.,  Infoage Archives. This is this first description of Marconi’s vision of a World Wide Wireless network built on nature’s ether.  It includes cost justification and advantages over cable telegraph.

October  “A Wireless Girdle Round the Earth,” The Marconigraph, October 1912, p. 255.  By Sammis, F. M. On file, Infoage Archives. This is a one-page description of Marconi’s vision, based upon the September Popular Mechanics article.

October 26, MAY START WORK ON WIRELESS PLANT, The Asbury Park Evening Press, Page 1, Col. 4, On file Asbury Park Library, Infoage Archives
******References to be sorted by date of publication*****

Antonov-Ovseyenko, A.
1981 The Time of Stalin: Portrait of a Tyranny.  Translated from the Russian by George Saunders, with Introduction by Stephen F. Cohen.  Harper and Row, New York.

Bingham, R. B.
ca. 1990 Unpublished ms. on file, CECOM Historical Research Collection.

Buckminster Fuller Institute
1995 Dymaxion Deployment Unit: plans, photographs, information.  On file, Buckminster Fuller Institute. (DDU ref.)

1994 A History of the United States Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM).  Booklet prepared by CECOM Historical Office, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey.  Second Edition, July 1994.  On file, CECOM Historical Research Collection.

Deal Test Site
ca. 1982 Deal Test Site.  Unpublished ms. on file, CECOM Historical Research Collection.

DeWitt, Lt. Col. J. H., Jr.
1946a Speech by Lt. Col. John H. DeWitt, Jr., over CBS Network from Coast to Coast, 2 February 1946, 10:45 p.m. EST. Unpublished ms. on file, Folder “Speech by LTC John H. DeWitt, Jr.,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

1946b Memorandum to Chief Signal Officer, SPSGE-2, Army Service Forces, Washington, D.C., from John H. DeWitt, Jr., Lt. Col., Signal Corps, Assistant to Commanding Officer, Headquarters, Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories, ASF, Bradley Beach, New Jersey.  On file, Folder “Speech by LTC John H. DeWitt, Jr.,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

1993 Letter from John H. DeWitt to Harry Moore, 29 August 1993.  On file, Folder “Speech by LTC John H. DeWitt, Jr.,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

Electronic Warfare Laboratory (EWL)
ca. 1981 Untitled ms. in Folder “Electronic Warfare Laboratory, Box “Papers and Articles on Early History of Fort Monmouth: Evans Area, Deal Test Site, Gibbs Hall, Labs.”  On file, CECOM Historical Research Collection.

Evans Area
ca. 1980 Unpublished ms. in Folder “Evans Area Material,” Box “Papers and Articles on Early History of Fort Monmouth: Evans Area, Deal Test Site, Gibbs Hall, Labs.”  On file, CECOM Historical Research Collection.

Graham, M. B. W.
1986 RCA and the VideoDisc: the Business of Research. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Headquarters, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey
1958 “Fort Monmouth Radio Hears First Europe Moon Signals.” Headquarters, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, Information Office, Release No. 305, 23 June 1958.  Unpublished document in Folder “Evans Area Material,” Box “Papers and Articles on Early History of Fort Monmouth: Evans Area, Deal Test Site, Gibbs Hall, Labs.”  On file, CECOM Historical Research Collection.

Marconi, Degna
1962 My Father Marconi.  McGraw-Hill. London. On file,  Infoage Archives

Moye, W. T.
1985 “U.S. Army Electronics Research and Development Command (ERADCOM) and U.S. Army Laboratory Command Headquarters (Provisional),” Annual Historical Review, FY 82-85 [RCS CSHIS-6(R3)].  William T. Moye, Command Historian.  On file, CECOM Historical Research Collection. New Jersey State Museum Files

Ross, Lt. Col. W. A.
1949 Signal Corps Research and Development Program.  Prepared by Lt. Col. Winfred A. Ross; edited and reprinted for distribution, 24 June 1949.  On file, Box “Postwar R & D Program,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

Roth, L. M.
1979 A Concise History of American Architecture.  Icon Editions, Harper and Row, New York. (DDU reference)

Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories
1943 Historical Report of the Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories for the Period July 1930 to December 1943. Unpublished ms. on file, Box “Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories: Historical Report, 1930-1943; Annual Reviews, FY 51, 52; Organization and Staff Directory Chart, 1929-1957,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

1945 Postwar Research and Development Program of the Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories.  Headquarters, Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories, 5 December 1945.  On file, Box “Postwar R & D Program,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories
1947 Outline of Research Program With Compilation of Tasks Assigned Through Outside Contracts, 15 February 1947. Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories, Bradley Beach, New Jersey.  On file, Box “Postwar R & D Program,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

1950 The Mission and Early History of the Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories.  Unpublished ms. on file, CECOM Historical Research Collection.

1951 SCEL Annual Review, FY-51, Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, Fiscal Year 1951. On file, Box “Signal Corps Engineering Labs: Historical Report 1930-1943; Annual Reviews, FY 51, 52; Organization and Staff Directory Chart, 1929-1957,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

1952 Signal Corps Research and Development Annual Review, FY-52, Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey.  On file, Box “Signal Corps Engineering Labs: Historical Report, 1930-1943; Annual Review, FY 51, 52; Organization and Staff Directory Chart, 1929-1957,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

Signal Corps Research and Development Labs
ca. 1947 Signal Corps Research and Development.  Information Section, Office of the Chief Signal Officer, The Pentagon, Washington, D.C.  On file, Box “Postwar R & D Program,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

Telephone Directory
1953 Telephone Directory, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. Fall/Winter 1953.  On file, CECOM Historical Research Collection.

U.S. Army Electronics Command (ECOM) Information Office
ca. 1970 “Fort Monmouth Famous Firsts,” News from ECOM, United States Army Electronics Command Information Office. Unpublished ms. in Folder “Fort Monmouth Firsts,” Box “Papers and Articles on Early History of Fort Monmouth; Evans Area, Deal Test Site, Gibbs Hall, Labs.”  On file, CECOM Historical Research Collection.

1973 U.S. Army Electronics Command, FY-73, Laboratory Posture Report.  On file, Box “Laboratories Posture Reports, 1972-1984,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

1977 U.S. Army Electronics Command, FY-77, Final ECOM Laboratories Posture Report.  On file, Box “Laboratories Posture Reports, 1972-1984,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

U.S. Army Electronics Research and Development Command (ERADCOM)
1960s Various Publicity Releases, U.S. Army Electronics Research and Development Laboratory, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey.  On file, Folder “US Army Electronics R & D Labs, Publicity-1960s,” Box “Labs-Publicity (Overview),” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

U.S. Army Electronics Research and Development Command (ERADCOM)
1980 U.S. Army Electronics Research and Development Command (ERADCOM), FY 80 Historical Review.  Department of the Army, Electronics Research and Development Command, Adelphi, Maryland.  On file, CECOM Historical Research Collection.

U.S. Army Signal Research and Development Laboratory
1960 U.S. Army Signal Research and Development Laboratory. Booklet on file, Box “Labs-Publicity (Overview),” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

U.S. Army Signal Training Command and Fort Monmouth, New Jersey
1961 Fort Monmouth History and Place Names, 1917-1961.  Booklet on file, CECOM Historical Research Collection.

Wintemberg, C. P.
ca. 1980 Herman I. Pardes: An Inventor in Communications. Unpublished ms. in Folder “Evans Area Material,” Box “Papers and Articles on Early History of Fort Monmouth: Evans Area, Deal Test Site, Gibbs Hall, Labs,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

Zahl, H. A.
1949 Signal Corps Research Program. Headquarters, The Signal School, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, August 1949.  On file, Box “Postwar R & D Program,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

1968b “Line-of-Sight Shibboleth,” Signal, November 1969, pp. 43-45, 48.  On file, Folder “Evans Area Material,” Box “Papers and Articles on Early History of Fort Monmouth: Evans Area, Deal Test Site, Gibbs Hall, Labs,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

1970a Electronic History Made at the Twin Lights, Highlands, New Jersey. 28 March 1970.  Unpublished ms. in Folder “Evans Area Material,” Box “Papers and Articles on Early History of Fort Monmouth: Evans Area, Deal Test Site, Gibbs  Hall, Labs,” CECOM Historical Research Collection.

Zerbe, N. L.

1989 Letter to Lt. Col. John L. Booth, Headquarters, CECOM, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, from Nancy L. Zerbe, Administrator, Office of New Jersey Heritage, 6 January 1989, concerning deficiencies in the Fort Monmouth Historic District National Register Nomination Form.  On file, New Jersey Historic Preservation Office.


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