Marconi Eras


Published in the Electrical Experimenter in the April 1914 issue on Page 186

It is announced that Sig. Marconi has succeeded in lighting an electric lamp by electricity through the agency of wireless at a distance of six miles. A bulb was attached to a receiver connected with an aerial receiving wire. The transmitter was linked up with a 100-horsepower apparatus, and as soon as the power was applied the lamp lighted and remained lighted so long as the power was kept on.

The experiment brings a step nearer realization Nikola Tesla’s prediction of long ago, that houses would eventually be illuminated by electricity caught from the air by masts on the roofs, and Sig. Marconi hopes that it will be the forerunner not only of lighting but of heating houses by etheric waves. At present, however, Sig. Marconi is giving his, main attention to aerophony. He said recently: “I am now aiming particularly to obtain a distinctly audible message. This is really more valuable than spectacular calls for long distances. I have been able to communicate quite easily and clearly for 100 miles, using the ordinary receivers and apparatus which are very like the ones usually used on telephones. The difficulty is with the transmitter, which is very heavy and needs two men to carry it.” Sig. Marconi concluded by saying that he hoped to have an aerographic connection between Belmar, N. J., and Carnarvon, Wales, completed in a few months.

Sig. Marconi ridicules the theory of M. Duroquiere, a French scientist, that when wireless waves meet at a half-way point they are the cause of great disturbances, and that the Volturno and other. disasters were caused by the interference of Hertzian waves. Marconi says wireless waves do not meet.

Nikola Tesla, who, 10 years ago was called the father of wireless telegraphy, said recently that he did not believe Sig. Marconi had been able to light an electric lamp by wireless at a distance of six miles. “Not that it cannot be done,” said Mr. Tesla. “I have done it myself. I did it about 14 years ago when I lighted electric lights at some distance from my laboratories without the means of wires. But I think Sig. Marconi’s plant is not sufficient enough to accomplish any such result.”

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