InfoAge Happenings: CDL

Nearly every weekend, the team from CDL (we refer to them as the “usual suspects”) are on site working on projects  to keep Camp Evans in top condition.  What makes it more amazing, when operated as an Army Base, there were multiple soldiers and...

InfoAge Happenings: VCF

Nearly every month members from the Vintage Computer Federation meet at InfoAge to work on various computing projects related to the preservation of vintage computer gear. They often meet at the workshop space in the Computer Destruction Lab which has sturdy, high...

lnfoAge donates nearly 2,000 masks to hospital, first responders

Had been in storage since Superstorm Sandy cleanup BY SANNE YOUNG THE COAST STAR WALL TOWNSHIP  Volunteers last week located nearly 2,000 face masks at the InfoAge Science Histo­ry Learning Center and donated them to area hospitals and first responders. The...

Old Glory flies again at historic Camp Evans

BY SANNE YOUNG, THE COAST STAR WALL TOWNSHIP — On July 20, after an absence of almost a quarter-century, Old Glory began flying again on the main flagpole of the Ar- my’s former Camp Evans on Marconi Road. The raising of the flag on July 20, the 50th anniversary of...


An Army woman was awarded the Silver Star for valor for the first time since World War II and was the first woman ever to be cited for valor in close quarters combat on June 16, 2005, in Iraq.  The Military Technology Museum at InfoAge recently unveiled their...

Ham Radio Road Trip

Sometimes, it’s good to get out of the shack for a while and hit the road with the family. But don’t worry, says K2YY, you don’t have to leave radio technology behind … just include it in your travel plans! Ham Radio Road Trip BY JOHN HILL,*...

Ninth Annual WWII Weekend at InfoAge

Dioramas, parachute gowns, virtual radios and more this weekend BY ABBY REINHARD THE COAST STAR RYAN WELSH THE COAST STAR World War II jeeps are among the military exhibits on display at the InfoAge Science History Learning Center in Wall Township WALL TOWNSHIP— World...

Seven WWII Vets to be honored at InfoAge this Saturday

Three WWII museums at lnfoAge will be open during the event By Christopher Neely WALL TOWNSHIP –   lnfoAge will host its first WWII Veteran’s Appreciation Day at the Camp Evan’s campus this weekend. The event, which will be held at the...